Part of decluttering is cleaning the areas of your home, so bring along your vacuum, mop and rags. Another thing to do is to cleanse the negative energy from your home.
Every day you return home from the toxic and negatively charged workplace and overcrowded commute home. A lot of energies are exchanged and in turn, unloaded in the home. Every day you have petty quarrels with your husband or your children are unruly. All these energies make the home energy negative.
Seven Lemons Cleansing will help cleanse the energy and all you need are seven lemons, a bucket of water and a rag. Squeeze the lemons into the bucket and use the lemon water to wipe the light bulbs and light fixtures around your home. This way, once the light is turned on, the seven lemons will break the cycle of bad energy in your home.
A little reminder, if the light bulb is busted, change it immediately so it continues to light the way of the people residing in the home.