The philosophy of feng shui is a practice of arranging the pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural world. The goal is to harness energy forces and establish harmony between an individual and their environment.

Feng Shui Creates Balance in Your Home or Business



You feel that there is something is wrong with the house. You can't explain what, but it just doesn't feel like home…

  • You have already tried everything, moved furniture from one wall to another, tried to decorate your home using Pinterest inspiration, or even hired an interior designer, but it still feels wrong...

    Deep down, you still feel like something is missing, but you can't figure out what the missing element is. You still don't feel it…. This "home, sweet, home" feeling…

    Do you know what I am talking about?

    Instead of an exciting feeling when you walk into your house, you have zero desire to be there, which depresses you the moment you walk in. When you feel anxious, depressed, and stressed while in your home, your career, finances, spousal relationships, and relationships with children go downhill.

    I am here to help….

    With Feng Shui, a house feels calm and peaceful. Feng Shui helps create flow, efficiency, and an overall good feeling in the home. After implementing Feng Shui, life aspects like love, finances, and career are accelerated.

    After updating your home with my Feng Shui knowledge, new opportunities will come into your life with less resistance. The free-flowing of good Qi "energy" positively impacts all aspects of life.

    It may feel that getting a Feng Shui consultant is an indulgence but understand that Feng Shui is essential to creating a place that enhances life, love, career, and more! It is the best investment I have ever made, and I want to share what I have learned with you.



If buying your first home (or renting one) is stressful, the process of looking for a home is even worse.

  • Unlike shopping for a car where you can take a test drive and get to know the car's design features and flaws before plunking down your hard-earned cash, shopping for a house often doesn't preset such luxuries.

    The search for an apartment or house begins at home. Before you scrutinize the Open House listings, you must determine your favorable directions (as well as those of each family member, if applicable). This information will come in handy when judging prospective units' bedrooms and home offices.

    Before stepping foot inside the prospective apartment or home, environmental factors must also be considered. There's no point in examining closet space if the structure rests on a slope. Move on. Don't waste your valuable time. The external environment is just as important as the internal space. Say that ten times before you fall in love with the unit on the hill enveloped by potentially cancerous electromagnetic fields emitted by the power grid next door.

    I am offering to make this process less stressful where I will:

    • Calculate your favorable and least favorable directions

    • Send you a checklist of what to avoid while looking at new homes

    • Look in 3 houses with you

    • I will do feng shui for your new home



Transform your workspaces with Feng Shui

  • What are the benefits of Feng-Shui for businesses? Well, it definitely can make a business more profitable and successful. It organizes office layout to maximize productivity, removes negative energy, creates a more pleasant and harmonious working environment, and reduces employee turnover and sick days. Feng-Shui finds the best location suitable for the business. It makes sure the building's design has the best possible auspicious and prosperous energy right from the very beginning, and it enhances a building's energy flow for the business to thrive.

    For example, when people work in a space and feel good, they feel supported and comfortable, and their nervous systems are relaxed. They're going to be more productive. Relationships are better when the energy flows better, and people feel more effective. All these reasons are why I utilize Feng-Shui to help make the businesses more successful.

    Types of different business consultations:

    • Move-in Consultation: taking an existing building as it is and maximizing it to its full potential without renovations.

    • Existing Space Consultation: working with a business already in location and improving the energy flow.

    • Relocations: When the business is ready to move to a different location, we can help them find the most auspicious building and set it up right from the very beginning.



You have just ten seconds before a client decides whether they will buy or pass on your house. Here is how to sell them immediately.

  • If somebody drives up, you have ten seconds to work with the energies, senses, and everything. Ten seconds is not that long. Everything is about intention. Right away, the first thing that we want to do is think about, "What is Our Intention?" It's always to make people feel better after entering the home than they were beforehand. The home is intended to sell for the highest price in the most graceful, easy, and beautiful manner. For the house to sell, it must be a fair market price.

    The staging techniques you use to sell your home could give you an edge over the competition. With Feng-Shui, I will help you bring balance and harmony to your property for sale to ensure a speedy, graceful sale.

Feng Shui Videos on the Yotube


  • While Feng Shui does have rules and suggestions for how furniture should be positioned, it is mainly about the overall energy “Qi or Chi” around the space. The most important thing is how you feel in the space. There are always alternatives if the new furniture position does not feel good and you don’t like it. You will find working with me that I am always trying to find the sweet spot between your vision and Feng Shui principles.

    In terms of remodeling, there are always things that can be done to fix bad Feng Shui. I will always tell you what the most important things to address are, how bad your current situation is, the best solution, and what compromises can be made.

  • After Feng Shui is implemented in your house, you save money. Why? Because based on Feng Shui, you should not have any clutter or unnecessary items in your home. Therefore, whatever you buy is ONLY what you need. Sometimes we spend money on items we do not need, resulting in wasting money. But by eliminating unnecessary purchases, long term - we save money.

    In the beginning, I usually advise what is NOT needed in the house and what can be easily changed. Long term (a couple of months), you can start to buy necessary items one at a time. I will give lists of the essential things, and you can go over them and buy them first.

    Essential Feng Shui changes can easily be done in one evening. Later we can implement other Feng Shui practices little by little. It is up to you how fast you want to implement Feng Shui principles. I provide each client with a personalized Feng Shui report for you to follow. I make myself available to clients to answer any questions along the way.

  • Feng shui uses the laws of nature and science to balance a space. It has been around for over 5,000 years and has been time-tested. Feng shui also considers the individual characteristics of a person, analyzes accurate compass measurements, and much more. All this allows us to create the most comfortable conditions for you.

  • It all depends on your attitude about these Items. If you like them, we can incorporate them. If not, we don’t need to use them. As I mentioned before, the main rule of Feng Shui is how you feel in the space. If you look at a crystal or a Buddha Statue and hate it, it will not bring about the joy we are trying to create.

  • The most important thing we need for a Feng Shui Consultation is a “to scale” floor plan. If you want landscape Feng Shui, I will need your landscape layout.

    If you do not have a floor plan, please message me, and I can help you create the floor plan. There are always ways to live a supportive and beautiful life.

  • Choose and book any consultation for your home, business, or real estate.

    After choosing the consultation, you will receive an e-mail questionnaire with 56 questions. If you prefer to answer these 56 questions over the phone, I will make myself available.

    Then you will e-mail me your floor plan if possible. I will review your questionnaire and floor plan and e-mail you within 48 hours. After that, we will schedule the consultation. We can meet in person for the consultation or do it online if you prefer.

    During the consultation, I will tell you about the Feng Shui of your home and/or office and make recommendations to improve and enhance them. After the consultation, within 48 hours, I will send you a report with all my findings. You will be able to implement the best Feng Shui practices for your home/office. I am available to answer additional questions along the way.

    Depending on the Feng Shui package, the standard consultation can be done within one week. If you choose the Venus or Jupiter package, we will have an additional 1 or 2 consultations in person or online.